In this episode, Dave made the following statement, that I thought was the MONEY line:
"Fear has killed a lot more dreams than failure ever will." So true! Fear keeps us from failure, so that's good right? Yeah, except that fear also keeps us from... you guessed it... success! Failing forward, as I describe, is failing, then assessing the failure, learning from it, adjusting for the future, and not giving up! Dave has another take on failure that I'll let him share with you... Enjoy!
Dave Bush joins me to talk about the hard choices we all have to make to move our lives our of "ordinary" and into extraordinary! In this episode he uses nutrition as an example, but we will have to make hard choices in every area of our lives if we truly want to live extraordinary lives!
Enjoy! This is for YOU.
When we were kids, we had all kinds of dreams! We dreamt of flying, running faster than a train, knowing all the answers to every test, being a pro-whatever sports player, etc. When we entered ministry we dreamt of building a megachurch.
Do you dream anymore? What is your dream for you life? Not ministry, just your life? Jeff and Dave Bush talk about dreaming, not losing the power to dream, and discovering what your dream might be...
This is part 1 of 6 with Dave Bush as we explore how to live an Extraordinary Life! Today's commitment is to LIVE YOUR CALLING. Are you doing what God has called you to do in the world?
What does it look like when we do? And, why would we continue to do anything else? Enjoy! Get Dave's Book - LIVE AN EXTRAORDINARY LIFE here!
Pastor, you would like to grow and change, but it seems like you're mostly spinning your wheels. You listen to podcasts like this one, watch webinars and online conferences, attend conferences and trainings, maybe take an online course or two, or subscribe to Audible to listen to books.
But, you forget what you've heard or watched within the week. It's all good while it lasts, but then it's like water under the bridge, and it's gone. Today I want you to meet my coach, David Bush. David is a peak performance coach, life coach, business coach, and health coach. I want you to hear his story and get to know him, because he will be joining us next week for episodes 93-97 and Weekend Edition 13! Plus, in this episode - I have a lot to say to you before and after. Thanks for joining us today! I've titled this - How To Turn Dreams Into Reality, because that's exactly what we're going to do... in the end! If you're interested in being a part of the very first Coaching For Pastors Cohort, listen to episode 87, and email me your interest at [email protected]. Enjoy!
Politics, Race, Economy, Pandemic, Gas Prices, Polarization, Crime, Guns, Drugs, Pornography, Alcoholism, Pills... shall I go on? All this plus church change, imploding pastors, churches, and ministries - and we can easily get discouraged!
You've been discouraged, confused, and frustrated at times over the past two years. I wanted to share with you how I handle the discouragement and stress of trying to love, teach, and shepherd a spiritual group of people in this culture. There are a couple approaches I take to stay sane and I share them with you in this episode. Enjoy!
We had spent months crafting a vision for our church. As a mission team we had prayed and did the hard work as a group to collaborate together to come up with something that made sense, evoked passion, called out mission, and was true to the biblical vision of a church.
The night came when we would roll out the vision. We had materials, powerpoint, and a 42-page vision book. We presented to about 20-25 of the key leaders in our church. My leadership failed that night, and in the coming days and weeks. Here's what happened...
Jeff talks about and - Two great resources for pastors, if you haven't heard of them. Search for "exponential learning community" and see what Jeff was able to participate in during 2020-2021. His event cities were Kansas City MO, Indianapolis IN, and Nashville TN.
It was through being a part of this Exponential Learning Community that he learned about the great ministry of Exponential. Check it out and the myriad resources they offer to pastors and ministry leaders. It's way to valuable a resource to miss!
It's summertime and you might have some margin to gather a group together to work ON the business instead of IN the business. Maybe Kid's and Youth Ministries as quieter in terms of programming this summer, or your volunteers might get some team time to reflect, process, or plan -- and you get the chance to have a brainstorming session, or an assessment discussion - what kinds of questions can you ask your most senior leaders in every area of your church?
Jeff shares some great questions for group discussion, idea generation, and focus improvement. Enjoy Episode 89! These are questions that Leaders In Ministry Ask!
Jesus' life would not be considered successful or fulfilling by any human standards. He died young, never married, no kids, no fortune, no following when he died, disgraced and humiliated.
Before his death, he spent several hours in an upper room with his few disciples teaching them for what would be his last opportunity. They call it the upper room discourse, or the farewell discourse. In John 13 Jesus does an extraordinarily uncommon thing, in breach and break of all social protocol. He washes his followers' feet. Then he teaches them something that all of us as pastors need so badly to heed. Humble service. As Jeff speaks about the spiritual life of a pastor, he recalls the scene... |
AuthorJeff Keady has been a pastor for 35 years and podcaster to pastors for 9 years - Coaching For Pastors is his latest podcast! Archives
April 2023